
Cohen's googling

When I'm at the computer, Cohen spins my chair and says "up up" so that we can google the following images repeatedly.

We have survived our
Tri-state Thanksgiving Extravaganza!
Pictures to come.
Cohen had his first "potty poop" today.
And we find out what we're having on Monday!


Anonymous said...

Lucky... Try #3 potty training Morgan has failed but it is getting better every time we try. I guess we'll take a stab in a few more weeks. I still think a little Brill is on the way. (Brad and Jill combined)

Project Couture Vintage said...

Hey Jill,
Our Thanksgiving was really good, alway a little hectic juggling families, but still really fun. A size 10 would be a large, I have one left of the boho tent blouse, and that should be coming in probably Monday but the military blazers are all out. All my items will say sold out and the paypal logo will be gone, so you can see what's still available. Just let me know, thanks!

Kristal said...

it's monday...what is it?!!!!

onehm said...

Yes, what is it????