
Here's what's for dinner at our house...

Cohen picked up a nasty little stomache bug this weekend from my cousin's twins and it has slowly worked it's way on to me (yesterday) and to Brad (today). We're not doing a whole lot of anything except trying to fight it. I slept 11 hours last night and had a 3 hour nap today. Got any good sick-day movie suggestions?

My oldest brother Trevor would have been 34 today. We let Cohen pick out a balloon at Fry's and we took it to the cemetary this morning. Some people find comfort visiting their loved one's grave. Not me. I like for the headstone to be clean and I want to change the flowers when they get faded by the sun but otherwise... I dont spend much time there.


Auburn said...

Suggestion: Night at the Museum. I found it oddly amusing.

Leah said...

Ug....we still have it here! I'm sorry! Hope you feel better soon. I didn't know that Trevors b-day was today. Saying a prayer for your sweet family today.

Anonymous said...

Yuck. There was a week a long time ago that our whole family got the stomach flu. We were so weak we couldn't even pick Morgan up. Gone With the Wind is always my favorite sick day movie. If Cohen is better he can come play at our house while you two get your sick on.

Mary Postert said...

July 11th is also BK's birthday and Tiffany Atkinson's birthday. You probably already knew that though.

Jaime S. said...

i just watched "freedom writer's" and then read the book. If you watch it and then want to read all those kids journal entries I'll give you the book

Mimi said...

I didn't realize you lost a brother. We'll have to talk about our loses sometime. Hope you had an ok day. I actually haven't been to my father's grave site in about a year. I need to at least go once or twice a year but never get around to it. I feel like they are alright with that, as long as i am thinking about him.