No, he still doesn't have a name. I'm basically 33 weeks pregnant which gives us about 50 days to name this baby boy in my belly.
Brad long ago ruled out my lifelong favorites like Brandon, Matthew and Jacob.
Our current "maybe" list includes things like Zach, Lincoln (Link), William (Will), Tanner, Gray, Tait, Fletcher (Fletch), and Haze.
The problem is that we dont really even like anything on the "maybe" list. None of them have grabbed us as the right fit. So really, it's not the "maybe list" it's just the "not-no list".
Poor baby.
On a good note, I did suddenly LOVE him on Monday. I had kind of been wondering if it's possible to love another child like you do your first and if so, how long would it take. Monday, while watching bathroom remodeling on HGTV, I was keenly aware how much I already ADORE this new little person and how easily it'll be to welcome him to the nest and love him equally.
And lastly, at my last appointment he was horizontal in my stomache. I have to go back on the 10th to see if he has gone vertical and if not, to "help" him. I've heard bad things about this process. The doctor litterally turns the baby from the outside by grabbing and pushing him through my stomache. Hello bruises! But if it saves us from a C-section, we'll take it.
Just look at the turning of the baby as a tummy massage, a rough tummy massage.
i vote for lincoln! i hope he turns. you do NOT want to pay for a c-section.
Have you seen "The Nanny Diaries"? The name of the little boy in the movie is Grayer. I really like Gray or Grayer but Johnny doesn't. Just a suggestion. I like Tait a lot too, what about Lane? Good luck, it's so hard. Oh and how the heck do you know if your baby is horizontal or vertical? Did they give you an ultrasound or can they just feel? I'm curious.?
The Dr. could just tell by feeling but I could tell too. Right side is just big, hard movements (like a head) and the left side is smaller, faster, more frequent movements (like legs).
They'll do an ultrasound on the 10th though.
Oh, that is so good to hear that it's possible to love another baby in the womb. I've wondered about that myself. I'm with Steph on Linc. I've always loved that name. I really like Tait though too.
That's so exciting! I totally saw you guys on your way out of the neighborhood on Valentine's day. Probably going out for a lovely dinner. Good luck with the name thing, Toms was easy cause it was a family name, so I'm a little afraid of having to pick a name for our next one. It will just come to you though.
I vote for Lincoln (Link). Super cute.
Just name him Brad. I vote for Grayer (Gray).
What about Court?
Finn also preferred to be horizontal. I looked kinda funny! But luckily he got the hint on his own once it started to get cramped in there. my fave of the not-no list is Tait. Have you seen the "Cool Names for Babies" book? It has a leopard print bib on the front. It has tons of great names. I am also glad to hear that baby number 2 is so easy to love! I have been wondering lately about what that will be like.
Lincoln or Gray are my votes.
I'm in with the rest of them. Love Lincoln and Grayer. Hopefully you'll find a name that you and Brad both love soon!
I love Gray. Super cute.
I'm generally a lurker on here, but I had to comment on this one. I was absolutely terrified that I would not be able to love my second baby as much as my first. They were only 11.5 months apart. I'm now expecting baby number four and I can honestly say, your heart just gets bigger and bigger. It's so awesome how you can love each child so totally. You'll be amazed. Good luck with a name, that was easy with the first two of ours, but took a long time with number 3 and I have no idea how we're ever going to come up with a name for this one!
I love Tait! So cute! And Gray. And I'm glad you already love this baby. I loved my first 2 within a few months... you know, when you start to feel them, but this last one...I was dreading having another baby the whole time...and then the day AFTER delivery I loved him more than anything! And to this day, he's my favorite...bad, I know.
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